Industry News

Wide interoperable clearing fund loans, the maximum loan-to-500,000


 Xiao Bian Tip: Since last year, far-chairman Cai Zhongguang on "guangqing integration" presented two proposals to the Municipal People's Congress, over the "About" wide clear integration "up to Guangdong Province," Thirteen Five Year Plan "recommendations "and" About guangqing mutual fund loan proposal "by the attention Municipal People's Congress and the relevant functional departments. March 13, 2015, Deputy Mayor Chen Jianhua far-group research to Shihai specifically on "Guang Qing mutual fund loan" to solicit business and represent the views of the issue, July 24 morning, the Guangzhou Housing Provident Fund Management Center and Qingyuan housing housing fund Management Center held mutual fund loans in Qingyuan launch wide integration clearing another step forward.

ide interoperable clearing fund loans,Maximum loan50Ten thousand

July 24 morning, the Guangzhou Housing Provident Fund Management Center and held Qingyuan housing fund management center housing provident fund loans in Qingyuan launch mutual, meaning that starting today, Kwong-ching housing provident fund loans to achieve integration. Kwong-ching mutual fund housing loan business launch is reported that Guangzhou housing provident fund paid into the employee buy Qingyuan center housing loan application amount is based on a multiple deposit accounts within the fund balance, the proportion of loans and loan ceiling of three conditions were calculated minimum value, as the borrower maximum loan amount. Among them, the maximum amount of the loan, a person 40 million, to buy the same house the couple jointly apply for 500,000 yuan.

The following is the Guangzhou deposit employee housing loan conditions in Qingyuan:
一、Loans objects (and subject to the following conditions):
1、Guangzhou housing provident fund deposit continuous full six months (or more);
2、Qingyuan Qingyuan domicile or actual presence of work;
3、In Qingyuan purchase owner-occupied housing;
4、在Qingyuan City without shelter.

二、Housing provident fund loans
1、In accordance with a maximum loan amount of housing provident fund account balance calculation is calculated as: account balance × 8 + monthly deposit amount × number of months to retirement age
2、Calculated in accordance with maximum loanable amount of the loan
(1)、一People apply for housing provident fund loans, the maximum loan amount 400,000 yuan
(2)、Both husband and wife to buy the same housing to apply for housing provident fund loans, the maximum loan amount of 500,000 yuan. (Refer to the maximum loan amount Qingyuan profit center standard)
3、Loan ratio calculated in accordance with the amount of loanable
①To apply for individual housing provident fund loans to buy the first set of ordinary workers paid into the family owner-occupied housing (including the borrower, the spouse and minor children, the same below), the minimum down payment ratio of 20% interest rate for the benchmark interest rate of individual housing provident fund loans;
②To have a home but no loan records or have a home and home loans have been settled corresponding deposit employee families apply for individual housing provident fund loans to buy ordinary owner-occupied housing, the minimum down payment ratio of 30% interest rate for individuals 1.1 times the benchmark lending rate housing fund;
③But to have a home purchase loans corresponding to settle families apply for individual housing provident fund loans to buy ordinary owner-occupied housing, the minimum down payment loan ratio of 40 percent, lending rate is 1.1 times the benchmark interest rate of individual housing provident fund loans of;

④Suspend payment of workers paid the family to buy the third set and more housing provident fund loans.

三、Loan period of the loan shall comply with the following requirements:
1、Handedly building the loan shall not exceed 30 years. Used Building loan period shall not exceed 20 years, the loan period and age can not exceed 40 years。
2、5 years after the age of the borrower and the loan does not exceed the retirement age. General retirement age in accordance with the male 60 years old, female 55 years old computing。
3、Couples buy the same housing to apply for housing provident fund loans, in order to calculate the longest loan period。

四、Loan Process

Workers filed → Banks → Guangzhou fund preliminary approval of railway sub-center → signed the loan contract to handle mortgage registration or transfer of registration notice to the contractor bank, mortgage registration of first instance → → bank size scale fund center in Guangzhou approval → Loans

五、Apply for the loan fund information
1、Identification documents (including the borrower and spouse): ① ID card; ② booklet (collective account, the account of this page stamped); ③ marital status (divorce must provide proof of divorce analysis of production data)。
2、Legally valid purchase contract, second-hand property to provide housing ownership certificates;
3、Receipt or invoice down payment, down payment or voucher transfers;
4、Mortgage current bank account and payee bank account;
6﹑Guangzhou, Qingyuan City Housing Authority issued proof of family housing material;
7、 Proof of deposit issued by units resident in Qingyuan Qingyuan work and to demonstrate local units issued, proof of residence (jointly loans, only one of them Qingyuan domicile or proof of work);
8、一Hand House to provide housing pre-sale permit, second-hand property to provide housing assessment report;
9、Buyers and the family members of a personal credit report;
10、Guangzhou housing fund individual housing mortgage loan application form;
11、Other documents required by the contractor bank, information。

六、Use provident fund loans enjoy preferential interest rates
贷Paragraph age 1--5 years (including 5 years), provident fund interest rate of 3.00%; more than 5 years, provident fund interest rate 3.50%。

七、还Fashion models:
1、Equal principal method 2, principal and interest equal law
八、The contractor bank provident fund loans
Qingyuan City, China Construction Bank, Bank of China Qingyuan